A Canadian Piloting Resource.

Forced Landing

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EX 22 Forced Landing


To understand and be able to perform the procedures necessary during an engine failure in the cruise portion of flight in a single engine airplane.


Just because the engine has lost power does not mean that you have to plummet toward the earth at catastrophic speeds. With proper training it can be quite the opposite. It may also be possible for you to solve your power problem. You are also being tested on this item during your RPP/PPL/CPL flight test. 

Transport Canada Flight Test Standards

    Control Approach Standards:

  1. SPEED: +10/-5
  2. TOUCHDOWN ZONE: First ⅓ and not more than 1000 feet beyond ⅓
  3. CIRCUIT: Fly and organized circuit

    Cockpit Management Standards

  1. Perform vital actions from memory
  2. Follow up with checklist (time permitting)
  3. Simulate a radio call (time permitting)
  4. Give a safety briefing


  • What are the possible causes of engine failure?
  • Controlling the aircraft
  • Field selection
  • Methodical forced landing sequence
  • Knowledge Quizzes
Free Access Period: 15 Days
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