How to calculate time and distance to NDB and VOR stations
TIME: In order to calculate the time to NDB stations you need the amount of time in seconds and the number of degrees of relative bearing change.
Time to NDB (in minutes) = time (in seconds) / degrees of relative bearing change
DISTANCE: In order to calculate the distance to NDB stations you need the time in minutes (calculated above) and your ground speed (GS).
Distance to NDB (in NM) = GS (in KTs) * Time to NDB (in minutes) / 60
TIME: In order to calculate the time to VOR stations you need the amount of time in seconds and the number of radials crossed.
Time to VOR (in minutes) = time (in seconds) / number of radials crossed
DISTANCE: In order to calculate the distance to VOR stations you need the time in minutes (calculated above) and your ground speed (GS).
Distance to VOR (in NM) = GS (in KTs) * Time to VOR (in minutes) / 60
Calculating the time and distance to NDBs and VORs is identical except that you use relative bearing change for NDBs and number of radials crossed for VORs. Remember that when calculating distance you are always going to multiply speed and time.
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